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« Galway Girl ». Le nouveau clip d’Ed Sheeran qui nous plonge dans une nuit irlandaise

06/05/2017 – 06H15 Galway ( –Plus de 10 millions de vues en quelques jours. Le succès est au rendez-vous pour le nouveau clip d’Ed Sheeran, chanteur britannique particulièrement apprécié dans les bars et clubs outre-Manche (notamment avec son tube « Shape of you »). Intitulé « Galway Girl », ce dernier évoque une nuit irlandaise, à Galway, porte d’entrée vers le Connemara.

Pubs, ambiance irlandaise où la bière coule à flot, bonne humeur généralisée, société apaisée, voici ce que montre ce clip qui parle d’une jeune-femme originaire de Galway, célèbre ville d’Irlande, dont le chanteur tombe amoureux.

On vous laisse découvrir en musique ci-dessous, mais une chose est sûre : ce clip fait déjà fureur dans tous les pubs d’Irlande !


She played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, “Baby, I just want to dance”

I met her on Grafton street right outside of the bar
She shared a cigarette with me while her brother played the guitar
She asked me what does it mean the Gaelic ink on your arm?
Said it was one of my friend’s songs do you want to drink on?

She took Jamie as a chaser, Jack for the fun
She got Arthur on the table, with Johnny riding as shot gun
Chatted some more, one more drink at the bar
Then put Van on the jukebox, got up to dance, you know

She played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, “Baby, I just want to dance”

With my pretty little Galway Girl
You’re my pretty little Galway Girl

You know she beat me at darts and then she beat me at pool
And then she kissed me like there was nobody else in the room
As last orders were called, was when she stood on the stool
After dancing to Cèilidh, singing to trad tunes
I never heard Carrickfergus ever sung so sweet
Acapella in the bar using her feet for a beat
Oh I could have that voice playing on repeat for a week
And in this packed out room, swear she was singing to me, you know

She played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, “Baby, I just want to dance”

My pretty little Galway girl
My my my my my my my Galway girl
My my my my my my my Galway girl
My my my my my my my Galway girl

Now we’ve outstayed our welcome and it’s closing time
I was holding her hand, her hand was holding mine
Our coats both smell of smoke, whisky and wine
As we fill up our lungs with the cold air of the night

I walked her home then she took me inside
Finish some Doritos and another bottle of wine
I swear I’m going to put you in a song that I write
About a Galway girl and a perfect night

She played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, “Baby, I just want to dance”

My pretty little Galway girl
My my my my my my my Galway girl
My my my my my my my Galway girl
My my my my my my my Galway girl

Bon, et pour que tout le monde soit d’accord, on remet également ci-dessous la chanson originale « Galway Girl » interprétée par le chanteur américain (country) Steve Earle (voir les paroles ci-dessous également) :

Well, I took a stroll on the old long walk
Of a day -I-ay-I-ay
I met a little girl and we stopped to talk
Of a fine soft day -I-ay-I-ay
And I ask you, friend, what’s a fella to do
Cause her hair was black and her eyes were blue
And I knew right then I’d be takin’ a whirl
‘Round the Salthill Prom with a Galway girl

We were halfway there when the rain came down
Of a day -I-ay-I-ay
And she asked me up to her flat downtown
Of a fine soft day -I-ay-I-ay
And I ask you, friend, what’s a fella to do
Cause her hair was black and her eyes were blue
So I took her hand and I gave her a twirl
And I lost my heart to a Galway girl
When I woke up I was all alone
With a broken heart and a ticket home
And I ask you now, tell me what would you do
If her hair was black and her eyes were blue
I’ve traveled around I’ve been all over this world
Boys I ain’t never seen nothin’ like a Galway girl

Crédit photo : DR
[cc], 2017, dépêches libres de copie et diffusion sous réserve de mention de la source d’origine

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  1. Piero dit :




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