Places To Travel In Europe When You’re On A Budget

Sure, Europe is an expensive place to travel to, but it doesn’t have to be completely out of reach on your limited budget. If you know where to look, you can find incredible vacation spots that won’t break the bank and that will let you enjoy life to the fullest while travelling abroad. Here are 6 places to travel in Europe when you’re on a budget

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is an excellent destination for travellers who want to experience the beauty of Spain without breaking the bank. With flights from Jersey to Europe, it’s easy and inexpensive to get there. Besides its bustling city centre, Barcelona is known for its beaches and coastline that offer a variety of activities from scuba diving and kayaking to horseback riding.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and has been an important cultural centre for centuries. Known for its Gothic architecture, it also has many Baroque palaces. There are many green spaces in Prague including Stromovka Park and Letna Gardens. With so much culture, nature and history there’s plenty to see when you’re on a budget.

Budapest, Hungary

Budapest is the perfect place to visit when you are travelling on a budget. Prices are low and quality is high, and this Eastern European city has something for everyone. The city centre is always alive with people, sights, and sounds; it’s also home to some of the country’s best cafes, restaurants, and shopping districts. Budapest has plenty of historic buildings and monuments that are sure to take your breath away–for example, St. Stephen’s Basilica was built in the 11th century.

Athens, Greece

A lot of people think that travelling across Europe is expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. One place where you can really save money is by visiting Athens, Greece. It’s a large city with plenty of things to do and see, and there are plenty of budget-friendly restaurants and hotels. It’s also very close to other popular destinations like Istanbul and Venice, which are both cheaper than Western European cities like Paris or Rome.

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is the capital city of Portugal and its most populous urban area. It’s also one of the oldest cities in the world, with its origins dating back to at least pre-Roman times. Lisbon has been continuously inhabited since the Middle Ages, when it was an important centre for trade and commerce.

Vienna, Austria

Vienna, the capital of Austria and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, is an excellent destination for those who are travelling on a budget. Although expensive by Austrian standards, Vienna is relatively inexpensive for international travellers. The prices for taxis are reasonable (starting at about €4) and many attractions offer discounts for students or children.

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